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Keep Praising

Scripture Reading: Psalm 150 It is said that it is impossible to give praise and thanks and be sad at the same time. While prayer may have a negative feeling, like Hannah weeping while she was praying, praise lifts you up out of the negative into a positive realm. The whole emotion changes. Psalm 86:12 says "I will praise thee oh Lord God with all my heart..." Many other such verses could be found, especially in The Psalms. Even though we are told to pray without ceasing yet there are many more exhortations to Praise the Lord. That is so because the natural tendency is to look at what we don't have and then cry out to man or God for help. Praise brings us out of that plane and makes us thankful. Let today be a day that will lift you up out of the miry clay into the very presence of God as you Praise Him. Praise Him because His mercy endures forever. Praise Him because you still have breath. Praise Him because of His Promises. Praise Him because of who He is David said 7 times a day He will praise God. Like the chorus, “Let us praise Him in the morning, praise Him in the noontime, praise Him in the evening time. Praise Him all the day long. Lift up your hands and praise the Lord. I would like you after reading this to send me a reason to Praise the Lord that I have not listed. Keep praising.

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