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Maintain My Ways

Though He slay me yet Will I trust in Him : but I will maintain my ways before Him. Job 13:15 Today I want to encourage you not to give up. Life is full if mysteries. It is often difficult to understand why certain things come our way. We wanted to do right. We tried to live righteous and yet the promises of living righteous did not seem to attend our ways. Like Job maintain your ways before God. Don't give up nor turn back. Keep Trusting in God with all your heart. In the end you will understand and experience that all things work together for Good to those who love God... With the hymn writer Fanny Crosby resolve To Never give up never give up Never give up to the sorrows Jesus will bid them depart Trust in the Lord Trust in the Lord Sing when your trials are greatest Trust in the Lord and take heart. Yes God moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform... The bud might have a bitter taste but sweet will be the Flower. My prayer: May His grace be yours and His peace guard your heart and mind. God bless you.

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